How to adapt your breathing for open water swimming
When swimming in open water you can modify your breathing frequency and side in order to adapt to the dynamic environment.
All good strokes come in threes
Freestyle is the go-to stroke in ocean swimming, but to be a truly effective ocean swimmer you’ll also need an efficient backstroke and breaststroke technique.
Right kick, right time: How to kick in open water
Kicking in open water swimming is important, but you need to put the right effort in at the right time for maximum efficiency.
How to navigate a swim course when the conditions are against you
Learn how to navigate an event swim course efficiently when strong winds, choppy water and persistent swell are working against you.
Top 3 tips for returning to the shore
The journey back to shore through the surf can generate more anxiety and concern than at any other stage of an ocean swim, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Follow a whitewash runway to shore
How to locate the best place and path to swim back to shore through the waves.
How to see in the sea: Advice for swimmers with poor vision
We’ve crowd-sourced the best advice for swimmers who usually require prescription glasses to keep your vision in check while ocean swimming.
Ironman legend Trevor Hendy shares his top 5 ocean swim tips ahead of the Aussie Ocean Swim
Aussie Ocean Swim ambassador, and six-time Australian Ironman champion, Trevor Hendy, shares his tips to get the most out of your ocean swim experience and swim faster for longer.
The finish is right behind you
The Hawaiians say ‘never turn your back on the ocean’, and that advice rings true for finishing ocean swims.
5 ocean swimming techniques that will give you the edge
Are you looking for the edge in your ocean swimming? These five ocean swimming techniques will give you the speed and tactical advantage you’re looking for.
How to swim straight in open water using sighting
No one likes swimming around in circles, so in this article you’ll learn how swimming sighting techniques will assist you to swim straight in open water (includes videos).
90 ocean swimming tips from our 2011 twitter campaign
During the 2010/11 summer season we delivered 90 day’s worth of ocean awareness, confidence & fitness tips as part of a 90 days of summer twitter campaign.