ONSHORE Podcast: Ep #007 – Norm Farmer AM

Date: 19 June 2020
Interview number: 007
Interviewee: Norm Farmer AM, Vice-President at the International Life Saving Federation
Venue: At home, Frankston, Melbourne
In the 2020 Queens Birthday Honours, Norm Farmer was awarded Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division, for significant service to lifesaving at the state, national and international level, and to water safety initiatives.
Among his current roles, Norm is Vice-President and Grand Knight at the International Life Saving Federation (ILS), President, Asia Pacific Region and Executive Director of the Royal Life Saving Society Commonwealth.
Andre worked with Norm in his time at Surf Life Saving Australia, including on a project that sent Andre to Saudi Arabia. In this talk, we discuss Norm’s significant involvement in the industry, the challenges of water safety around the world, and local lifesaving topics.
A little snippet
In this snippet from the full podcast interview, Andre and Norm discuss the challenges of reducing drowning deaths throughout the world, particularly in under-developed countries, where unnecessary drownings occur as a part of everyday life.