The eco friendly way to slip into your wetsuit with ease

Plastic bags are disappearing at a rapid rate, and for a good reason – they end up in our beautiful ocean, trashing beaches, clogging waterways and suffocating marine life.
Up until now, one instance an ocean swimmer might be likely to favour plastic bags is when getting into their wetsuit.
We’ve all struggled at some stage to slide into the tight neoprene legs, and the plastic bag was a welcome hack.
Admittedly, the plastic bag has served its purpose well, but times are changing, and ocean swimmers are fast becoming aware of the impact they’re having on the environment and their role as ocean guardians.
So it’s great to now have an alternative to the plastic bag to assist with this often ‘undignified’ stage of the pre-swim.

Enter the Surf Sock.
The Surf Sock is an eco-friendly Australian product, developed by Lucy Flanagan & Nadine Cattell on Sydney’s northern beaches, that sustainably replicates the plastic bag and it’s function.
Each Surf Sock is unique – hand made from the off-cuts of sailcoth from a local sail maker that would have otherwise made it into the landfill.
Not only does a Surf Sock make it easier to put on your wetsuit, it doubles as a great storage bag for your phone, wallet or keys.
It’s time to ditch the plastic bag and get your hands on a Surf Sock as a great addition to your ocean swimming gear bag.
The Surf Sock comes in a range of unique colours, is made from 100% recycled material, and proudly Australian made.
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