10 tips for preparing for an ocean swim event
I’ve been to more ocean swimming and surf life saving events than I can remember, and through all those events I’ve managed to lock down my own pre-race prep so I’m ready and raring to go every time.
Here are my top 10 tips for preparing for an ocean swim:
- Before leaving home ensure you have all swimwear (goggles, swimmers, etc), towel, warm clothing, sunscreen, hat, adequate nutrition (food, water, etc) and check weather prediction for the day.
- Arrive in plenty of time to allow time for registering and a proper warm-up.
- Observe the racecourse and racing conditions.
- Plan entry and exit paths (quickest way to first turning buoy, landmarks e.g. buildings to aim for on the way in, etc).
- Avoid long periods in the sun where possible.
- Keep warm.
- Hydrate before you race.
- Keep calm and relaxed. If you find you are too tense take 3 big breaths.
- Wash out and then spit in your goggles to “antifog’ them, then rinse them well to ensure a fog-free race. Note: Don’t clean your goggles with sunscreen on your hands.
- Enjoy the race!