10 tips for preparing for an ocean swim event

I’ve been to more ocean swimming and surf life saving events than I can remember, and through all those events I’ve managed to lock down my own pre-race prep so I’m ready and raring to go every time.

Here are my top 10 tips for preparing for an ocean swim:

  1. Before leaving home ensure you have all swimwear (goggles, swimmers, etc), towel, warm clothing, sunscreen, hat, adequate nutrition (food, water, etc) and check weather prediction for the day.
  2. Arrive in plenty of time to allow time for registering and a proper warm-up.
  3. Observe the racecourse and racing conditions.
  4. Plan entry and exit paths (quickest way to first turning buoy, landmarks e.g. buildings to aim for on the way in, etc).
  5. Avoid long periods in the sun where possible.
  6. Keep warm.
  7. Hydrate before you race.
  8. Keep calm and relaxed. If you find you are too tense take 3 big breaths.
  9. Wash out and then spit in your goggles to “antifog’ them, then rinse them well to ensure a fog-free race. Note: Don’t clean your goggles with sunscreen on your hands.
  10. Enjoy the race!
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